
There has been a rapid growth in the educational domain since education has become an important need. Data is collected in this domain which can be put to meaningful use to derive a lot of benefits to the students. Predicting student performance can help students and their teachers keep track of student progress. Mining Educational data helps to uncover invisible patterns, relationships, or trends in the unstructured data and helps in delivering logical and meaningful recommendations. Several kinds of research are being conducted across the world to analyze the data regarding student learning to identify the factors affecting performance and to provide support to students to help them improve. It is the objective of the proposed research to conduct a detailed study in the Sultanate of Oman regarding the existing toolsets, systems, and mode of data collection that are used currently in the Education sector for the prediction of Student Grades. Taking this as the baseline, later a model that will feature different prediction algorithms which are more accurate in predicting the grades of a student will be developed. The objective of this research is to understand the various predictive methods used to predict student performance and to propose a machine learning model to predict student grades.


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