Design and Implementation of Automated Cart for COVID-19 Patients Treatment
With the recent changes in this world due to the pandemic of COVID-19 came the need to change in technology with medical environments. There were few robotic surgeries done in medical field, but the pandemic has put the Doctors and health care workers at risk. So there came a need for rapid change in medical environment to replace man with robots with the help of AI. In this paper a AGV also called as Automatic Guided Vehicle is designed for the benefit of health community. It can also be called as Automated Cart.
The chances of health care worker getting affected from the patient in this COVID-19 is more due to the behavior of the novel Corona Virus Spread. Hence this Automated cart is designed in this paper which moves near the patient’s beds delivering medicines whenever needed in time and also collects waste from patients’ bed and returns to the necessary point. It is a line follower automated cart robot it makes use of certain sensors like infrared sensors and ultrasonic sensors. These sensors are used for route mapping and obstacle detection. This robot at the time of giving medicine to the patients’ bed and collecting waste, it also checks the body temperature and pulse rate of the patient and sends information to the doctor via internet. The adaptability of this robot with the patients depends on the preprogram done. A microcontroller is made use for this purpose. This automated cart can be designed and implemented with low cost and the risk of Doctors, health care workers is reduced.
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