
Students now rely more on online learning than on-campus instruction. As a result, we intend to create a project that will assist students in understanding topics through the use of augmented reality (AR). The only aspect of e-learning being studied at the moment is knowledge transmission online. We want to upgrade e-learning with AR due to time restraints and other technological issues. In order to virtualize the notion for students studying three-dimensional geometry, our objective is to create an e-learning framework for three-dimensional geometry. Students may quickly understand the idea visually with the aid of modern mobile phones by placing their phones on the actual QR code readers. Using AR, it will provide a clear and visual explanation of the idea. For instance, if the student holds up his phone in front of the switch or router, it will clearly explain the components. Then, it may be used in any subject or industry. We want to employ Vuforia and UNITY 3-D software to accomplish our aim. The software development kit (SDK) for augmented reality (AR) on mobile devices called Vuforia facilitates the development of AR apps. It recognizes and tracks planar pictures and 3D objects in real time using computer vision technologies. Games and other visuals in both 2D and 3D may be made with Unity.


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